Thursday, June 30, 2011

Whilst I wait...

...Whilst I wait for my mail and consequently my new tools...
(I feel like I've been on hold, forever!!! Oh wait, I have been!)

Here are some photos 
of summer in Northern Canada.
We do not have any holidays this summer.
But I honestly could care less!
This is THE BEST place to be! :)
I loooove summers in the North!!

The start: a little yard fixin'...
removing 2 huge stumps that have been there for 6 years.

Other yard stuff's.

Halfway done.
Baby boy wants to help his daddy work :o)

Diggin' up our roots and a big black,
extremely old tube-like surrounding.

Braedyn wants to dig like dad! 

The kiddos!

And what is a summer without bubbles??!! :)

My little man being a huge cutie-pie!

My main man.
Just before he chainsawed that root up!

Making some din-din, are we?!

Sand-flavoured salad, anyone?

The results!

My little artist!!

This Brooklyn Hoyles masterpiece 
now hangs proudly on my wall!
Isn't it brilliant!!

My little guy playing with his sister's brush.
So busy and sooo cute!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Creating & waiting.

So I've made a few more pieces but I'm waiting for some bezel setting tools to arrive in the mail so that I can set the stones in their bezels. However, Canada Post is taking a long, lovely strike, so alas, I have to wait a little longer. In the meantime, I've still got a bit of sawing, filing, oxidizing and polishing to do! But I'm having the time of my life and learning so much new things!! :)

 Also some pieces (the yellow in the corner) did not turn out.
The bezel wall is too short for the stone so (DOH!).
I'm just learning as I go!
Now to figure out what to do with it! 
But that's also the fun of it! :)

Also my Teepee 
with a paisley vintage button moon:

Inspired by my hometown 
and the upcoming
Aboriginal Day on Tuesday 
which encouraged me to get it started! :)
This was one of my first sketches from 2 months ago! 
I'm so proud to see it come to fruition!
Just need to finish the grass and sawing, filing etc.

All of these pieces need a little extra love and care 
but hopefully I will finish them all soon!

I do hope everybody has a 
wonderful, wonderful weekend!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Type A and My 1st Metal Pendant!

Okay. Just so you know the type of person I am. I am kind of a Type A. Okay. Probably a lot. When I make up my mind about something, I go with it. And when I say go with it, I mean like totally. I do it. I'm a do'er. I gett'er done. I'm also an uber quick learner and I like to challenge myself, I suppose. Guess that explains my 5-6 days a week at the gym routine. A bit obsessive-compulsive? Sure. Isn't that part of the Type A package? :)

But here: my first soldered metal pendant...I'm trying to 4th metal project to date. I went and got all ninja-like perhaps. A bit hasty. Sure. But honestly...that's how I roll. I'm a hasty son-of-a-gun. That's my style. And this pendant is totally my style too. I love silver balls (my favourite embellishment EVER!), different textures and stones...ohhh, stones...cannot forget stones! What's the use of doing those simple metal rings where you just solder one joint and file when you can do all that other fun stuff??!! So yeah. I had to go all crazy on ya'll. Don't get me wrong...I still have A LOT (oh a lot, a lot!!!) to learn. I don't deny that. But I'm so excited to keep going!!

In all seriousness, I am really proud of this. I can't stop looking at it, hehe. So proud! :) I still have to solder on a chain loop and set the stone, so I'm hoping that it doesn't self-combust or implode or anything like that on me...but I'm excited at the possibilities. I never knew how much of an adrenaline rush soldering's basically playing with fire and I get sort of scared in a way but also in awe at what I can do now.

And by the way, I pronounce it exactly as it sounds: soldering.
Am I the only one?
I just can't get the spelling out of my head 
and it sounds funny to say "sawdering".
Almost like I have a lisp or something, ha ha.

In any case, here she be: my first metal pendant.
The piece I've been ranting and raving about this whole post!
She's not quite done. But I'm a proud metal mama! :)

And as Tess mentioned in my last post, 
there is no turning back now!! 
You are sooooo right! lol! :)


Sunday, June 5, 2011


Here is a look at my first hand 
at forming metal. 

And I LOVE it!!! 

I found some 
"old" screw driver ends 
for stamping. 
But shhhh...
don't tell my husband! 


Polished Brass & Sterling Silver.
All components made by me!
In the shop now! :)



Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Been busy.

I guess I needed a break. 
I have been a bit overwhelmed with life, as of lately. 
Lots of good stuff though. 
Lots of crazy, mind-numbing stuff too. 

Spring arrived and so did spring-cleaning, 
lots of outdoor activities with the kids, 
playing with new tools 
and experimenting with working on metal a bit 
(it's totally RAD!!!), 
and contemplating life; 
the good, 
the bad 
and the ugly. 

Trying to focus on the good stuff 
and clear up the ugly parts. 
Ignoring the bad because really... 
life is too good anyway. 

I do have a few pictures to post. 
Pictures of a Northern spring life, nature, kids, 
new metal jewellery that I made. 

Soon, soon! :)
I'm here today, 
so I'm sure I"ll be 
"on the ball" tomorrow. ;)

Hope everyone is enjoying spring!!
Summer is nearly here!!! 
I'm currently loving my flip-flops!!!